Style for You!
Style for You! provides a range of services to help you develop your most effective personal style and look your best, from individual consultations to small group workshops.
Executive Presence &
Professional Image
Executive Presence is more than just having leadership potential. Executive Presence is a pre-condition for success and, while it will not earn you promotion after promotion, the lack of it will impede the ability to get far in your career. Learn how to think, act and communicate like a true leader.
Colour in Business
Discover your personal colouring and palette of colours! Learn strategies to mix and match colours in outfits, how colours can be used to cleverly camouflage figure challenges, and the relationship between colours and levels of authority.
Dress Your Body Shape
(ladies only)
Learn what is your body shape and how to mix & match your clothes so that you will look taller or slimmer. Learn what are “skinny bits”, solutions to common figure challenges and good fit in clothes.
Fashion accessories
(ladies only)
Accessories are the quickest and most versatile way to add sophistication and creativity to outfits. They instantly update and make a big difference to an ensemble, giving it a polished finish, adding colour and character.
How to Mix & Match
(ladies only)
The art of mixing and matching can be learnt by understanding basic principles of how colours, patterns, fabrics and styles work together. Achieve an interesting and polished look by going beyond the usual colour and print mixing and matching which, although safe, can be boring.